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Brittany Cartwright reveals all about secret cosmetic procedure before divorcing Jax Taylor

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Reality star Brittany Cartwright has claimed she had a secret cosmetic procedure before her marriage to Jax Taylor fell apart. Brittany, speaking to *Daily Mail*, said she had an AirSculpt fat removal and skin tightening session at the end of May - three weeks before she served estranged husband Jax with divorce papers. She described the procedure as the final step in her long journey toward getting back confidence and feeling her best after a tough year.

Brittany said she wanted to look good for the summer and prepare her "revenge body" after everything that had taken place. "I wanted to look my very best," she said. "I wanted to get my sparkle back." The procedure targeted her stomach area, particularly the lower abdomen, she said, which changed after giving birth to her son Cruz in 2021. Changes in her body notwithstanding, she ensured that she was not anxious for the procedure. "I wasn't really nervous when I went in," she shared. "It was a quick two-hour session over Memorial Day weekend."

She added that the key difference between AirSculpt and traditional liposuction is that it removes fat, but at the same time also tightens up the skin. "Now I am smaller, and I feel great," she said. "It was just one session, and I call it 'one and done' because it did both at the same time."

Though recovery time for the procedure is about six months, Brittany said she felt good enough to go out for dinner right after the treatment. "It just felt like I had a hard workout the day before, with a little soreness here and there," she remembered.

She is also, after all the physical changes this split with Jax has brought, healing emotionally from the end of the relationship. As for her, this is all new and unexpected, she said. "Honestly, I thought we would be together forever, so this is all very new for me," she said. "It's taking some time to heal and move on."

Brittany filed her notice of divorce against Jax Taylor last month by stating that she and her husband were separated on January 24, bringing five years of marriage to a close. Meanwhile, she is working towards moving forward, and for Brittany, that means that she and her well-being should be a priority.

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