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Take special care of these posts in a long-term relationship

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Having feelings for someone in your heart is a beautiful feeling, but taking it to a long-term relationship and marriage is a different thing. Many times, one partner starts dreaming of spending his entire life with someone due to true feelings, while the other partner does not even think about commitment. In such a situation, it is important to identify whether your partner wants to take the relationship to the bond of marriage or not.

Pay attention to the future: When a person is serious about the relationship, he talks openly about the future. If your partner avoids talking about the future, does not tell anything openly, or tries to avoid the topic, then understand that he does not see a future with you.

Are you the only one putting in the effort?: A good relationship depends on the effort of both the people. If you are the only one putting in the effort to save the relationship and your partner does not make any effort even in the case of a rift, then it may mean that he/she is not interested in taking the relationship forward.

Not talking openly: In a relationship, both partners share their joys and troubles with each other. If your partner does not talk to you about things related to his life or does not react much even when you are upset, then this can be a warning sign.

Lack of knowledge about life: If you don't know much about your partner or he/she hesitates to talk about his/her family, friends and other important things, it might mean that he/she is not serious with you.

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