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Chinese woman finds Indians in Canada 'terrible', video goes viral

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Canada is known for having a vibrant Indian diaspora population. The subject of Indian-origin Canadians making a substantial part of Canadian demographics has been meme material for a long while. Recently, a video of a Chinese woman getting flabbergasted at the overwhelming number of Indians in Canada has taken the Internet by storm. In the now-viral video, the woman explains that she is recording from a place where people go to take their driving license exams.

“This is terrible. I am surrounded by Indians in Canada. I will take a video for you to see. I am at this driving license test place,” she complained. She also added that people thought that she was in India.

The video spread on X like wildfire, gaining more than 2.8 million views and 32K likes.

Netizens React

Reacting to the viral video, one X user found the high rates of Indian immigration to Canada alarming. “If the current rate of Indian immigration to Canada continues, Canada will become India West in relatively short order. Indians dwarf all other groups entering Canada in total numbers, and it’s not particularly close,” he tweeted. Another wrote, “ No one is even going to want to be tourists in our third world cities before long.”

However, some users quipped that the lady had no business bemoaning the number of Indians in Canada since the Chinese diaspora also forms a significant part of the demographics. “I went to Vancouver a few years ago, and straight up like 40% of the population is Chinese immigrants, so maybe she should go home too.” read the comment.

5 % Of Canadians Have Indian Roots

According to a Business Standard report, the population of individuals of Indian descent in Canada rose to 1.8 million. Data from the Canadian government shows that the country's total population at that time was 36.3 million, roughly comparable to the population of Kerala, despite Canada being three times the size of India in terms of land area. This shift highlights the growing influence of Indians in Canada, as they now make up over 5% of the total population.

The number of Indians moving to Canada has increased more than fourfold since 2013. A recent report reveals that many Indian students are choosing to attend Canadian universities instead of U.S. institutions, largely because Canada’s immigration policies are more effective at attracting and keeping skilled talent.

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